Ticket overview

The right ticket for everyone!

You can see all tickets at a glance, with price details, in our price list. Detailed information on each ticket can be found in the ticket profiles below. For a targeted overview, simply click on the category you require.


Tickets for occasional travel

Short hop


1, 2, 3 … there!

  • Validity period: Up to three stops after boarding with no changes

Standard adult ticket


For anyone who travels from time to time

  • Validity period: Depending on price bracket

Standard child ticket


For kids who travel from time to time

  • Validity period: Depending on price bracket

Pack of 6 standard tickets for adults


6 trips for the price of 5!

  • Validity period: Depending on price bracket

Pack of 6 standard tickets for children


6 trips for the price of 5!

  • Validity period: Depending on price bracket

Day ticket
(1 person)


Save money from the second trip!

  • Validity period: For one day until the end of services

Day ticket
(2 people)


Ideal for couples and best friends!

  • Validity period: For one day until the end of services

Day ticket
(3 people)


Ideal for families and best friends!

  • Validity period: For one day until the end of services

Day ticket
(4 people)


Ideal for families and best friends!

  • Validity period: For one day until the end of services

Day ticket
(5 people)


Ideal for families and group travel!

  • Validity period: For one day until the end of services

Pack of 8 day tickets


Perfect for those who work from home!

  • Validity period: For journeys on 8 freely selectable days, in each case for one day until the end of services

Tickets for frequent travellers

Plus monthly pass


Bus and rail 24/7 for a month!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys in a month
  • You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
  • Transferability: Yes (except if bought online)

Senior monthly pass


Low-cost travel for senior citizens!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys in a month

Braunschweig Student monthly pass


Whenever and wherever you travel in Braunschweig – only €20 per month!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys in a month
  • Price: 20,00 €

Full-network Student monthly pass


Whenever and wherever you travel – only €30 per month throughout the region!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys in a month
  • Price: 30,00 €

Full-network Under-21 monthly pass


The leisure-time ticket from 2pm!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys, Monday to Friday from 2pm and all day on weekends, public holidays and during the holidays in Lower Saxony
  • Price: 23,70 €

Term pass


Free travel! In the 2024/25 school year the ticket will be issued as a Deutschlandticket.

  • Validity period: One school year, except for the Lower Saxony summer holidays
  • Price: 0,00 €

If you travel a lot, the cheapest way to travel is with a VRB season ticket!



Use local public transport throughout Germany – more affordably than ever.

  • Validity period: For any number of trips around the clock
  • Price: 58,00 €


Vergünstigtes Deutschlandticket für Studierende!

  • Validity period: Für beliebig viele Fahrten rund um die Uhr bis zum Semesterende.
  • Price: 29,40 €

Plus season ticket


The no-worries season ticket – with options for transfer and accompanied travel

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys at any time of day
  • You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
  • Transferability: Optional

Off-peak season ticket


The ticket for those who like a lie-in!

  • Validity period: Monday to Friday from 9am

Senior season ticket


Low-cost travel at any time for senior citizens!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys at any time of day

Full-network Under-21 season ticket


The leisure-time season ticket from 2pm!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys, Monday to Friday from 2pm and all day on weekends, public holidays and during the holidays in Lower Saxony
  • Price: 19,60 €

Job season ticket


The best-priced ticket for employed people!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys at any time of day
  • You can take families, friends and bicycles with you

Braunschweig Student annual pass


Whenever and wherever you travel in Braunschweig – only €20 per month!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys in a year
  • Price: 240,00 €

Full-network Student annual pass


Whenever and wherever you travel – only €30 per month throughout the region!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys in a year
  • Price: 360,00 €

Additional tickets

Convenience surcharge


Service right to the door!

  • Validity period: One ride in a dial-a-ride shared taxi
  • Price: 1,00 €

Bicycle day ticket


When your journey continues by bike

  • Validity period: For one day until the end of services
  • Price: 3,00 €

Full-network extension ticket


For anyone wanting to go further

  • Validity period: 150 minutes
  • You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
  • Price: 3,00 €

1st class surcharge:
Standard/multi-pack tickets


Treat yourself! Relax and travel in comfort

  • Validity period: Same as the ticket to which the 1st class surcharge applies.

1st class surcharge:
Plus monthly pass


Treat yourself! Relax and travel in comfort

  • Validity period: Same as the ticket to which the 1st class surcharge applies.
  • You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
  • Transferability: Provided the monthly pass is transferable

1st class surcharge:
Plus or Job season ticket

Treat yourself! Relax and travel in comfort

  • Validity period: Same as the ticket to which the 1st class surcharge applies.
  • You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
  • Transferability: Provided the Plus season ticket is transferable

Other tickets


Free bus travel for holidaymakers in the Harz Mountains!

Combi ticket


Free travel to the event and back!

  • Validity period: See ticket for info

Disability pass


Free travel in the network area, including for the carer.

  • Validity period: Same as that of the disabled person’s pass
  • You can take families, friends and bicycles with you

BS Mobile ticket


Funded ticket for your travel by bus and rail!

  • Validity period: Monday to Friday from 8.30am, all day on weekends and public holidays (only applies to the BS Mobile ticket: the Plus and Student variants are valid without restrictions on all days)

Salzgitter Social ticket


Funded ticket for your travel by bus and rail!

  • Validity period: For any number of journeys within a calendar month

IC/EC surcharge


Long-distance trains included!

  • Validity period: Same as the ticket to which the IC/EC surcharge applies

Still not sure?

No idea which ticket is best for you? Our ticket advisor will be happy to help you.

Go to ticket advisor

Other tickets valid in the VRB network area

You can also use VRB public transport with tickets from the Lower Saxony network and Deutsche Bahn.

Learn more

VRB app with mobile tickets!

Current timetable information, mobile tickets and the entire network map – with the VRB app, it’s just better to travel by bus and rail.

Download the “VRB Fahrinfo & Tickets” app now for free!


You can find more information about the app here.