You can see all tickets at a glance, with price details, in our price list. Detailed information on each ticket can be found in the ticket profiles below. For a targeted overview, simply click on the category you require.
Ticket overview
The right ticket for everyone!
Tickets for occasional travel
Short hop
- Validity period: Up to three stops after boarding with no changes
Standard adult ticket
- Validity period: Depending on price bracket
Standard child ticket
- Validity period: Depending on price bracket
Pack of 6 standard tickets for adults
- Validity period: Depending on price bracket
Pack of 6 standard tickets for children
- Validity period: Depending on price bracket
Day ticket
(1 person)
- Validity period: For one day until the end of services
Day ticket
(2 people)
- Validity period: For one day until the end of services
Day ticket
(3 people)
- Validity period: For one day until the end of services
Day ticket
(4 people)
- Validity period: For one day until the end of services
Day ticket
(5 people)
- Validity period: For one day until the end of services
Pack of 8 day tickets
- Validity period: For journeys on 8 freely selectable days, in each case for one day until the end of services
Tickets for frequent travellers
Plus monthly pass
- Validity period: For any number of journeys in a month
- You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
- Transferability: Yes (except if bought online)
Senior monthly pass
- Validity period: For any number of journeys in a month
Braunschweig Student monthly pass
- Validity period: For any number of journeys in a month
- Price: 20,00 €
Full-network Student monthly pass
- Validity period: For any number of journeys in a month
- Price: 30,00 €
Full-network Under-21 monthly pass
- Validity period: For any number of journeys, Monday to Friday from 2pm and all day on weekends, public holidays and during the holidays in Lower Saxony
- Price: 23,70 €
Term pass
- Validity period: One school year, except for the Lower Saxony summer holidays
- Price: 0,00 €
If you travel a lot, the cheapest way to travel is with a VRB season ticket!
- Validity period: For any number of trips around the clock
- Price: 58,00 €
- Validity period: Für beliebig viele Fahrten rund um die Uhr bis zum Semesterende.
- Price: 29,40 €
Plus season ticket
- Validity period: For any number of journeys at any time of day
- You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
- Transferability: Optional
Off-peak season ticket
- Validity period: Monday to Friday from 9am
Senior season ticket
- Validity period: For any number of journeys at any time of day
Full-network Under-21 season ticket
- Validity period: For any number of journeys, Monday to Friday from 2pm and all day on weekends, public holidays and during the holidays in Lower Saxony
- Price: 19,60 €
Job season ticket
- Validity period: For any number of journeys at any time of day
- You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
Braunschweig Student annual pass
- Validity period: For any number of journeys in a year
- Price: 240,00 €
Full-network Student annual pass
- Validity period: For any number of journeys in a year
- Price: 360,00 €
Additional tickets
Convenience surcharge
- Validity period: One ride in a dial-a-ride shared taxi
- Price: 1,00 €
Bicycle day ticket
- Validity period: For one day until the end of services
- Price: 3,00 €
Full-network extension ticket
- Validity period: 150 minutes
- You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
- Price: 3,00 €
1st class surcharge:
Standard/multi-pack tickets
- Validity period: Same as the ticket to which the 1st class surcharge applies.
1st class surcharge:
Plus monthly pass
- Validity period: Same as the ticket to which the 1st class surcharge applies.
- You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
- Transferability: Provided the monthly pass is transferable
1st class surcharge:
Plus or Job season ticket
- Validity period: Same as the ticket to which the 1st class surcharge applies.
- You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
- Transferability: Provided the Plus season ticket is transferable
Other tickets
Combi ticket
- Validity period: See ticket for info
Disability pass
- Validity period: Same as that of the disabled person’s pass
- You can take families, friends and bicycles with you
BS Mobile ticket
- Validity period: Monday to Friday from 8.30am, all day on weekends and public holidays (only applies to the BS Mobile ticket: the Plus and Student variants are valid without restrictions on all days)
IC/EC surcharge
- Validity period: Same as the ticket to which the IC/EC surcharge applies
VRB app with mobile tickets!
Current timetable information, mobile tickets and the entire network map – with the VRB app, it’s just better to travel by bus and rail.
Download the “VRB Fahrinfo & Tickets” app now for free!
You can find more information about the app here.