Just select the start and destination point from the list of places. If you already know the associated fare zones, you can conveniently specify your journey via the interactive map.
Fare zones and price brackets
Prices in the network area are calculated based on the fare zones you cross during your journey. In total, VRB is divided into 48 fare zones. A fare zone includes one city/town or several smaller towns/communities.
Your ticket price depends on how many fare zones there are between the starting point and destination. This results in the price bracket for your ticket.
For example, if the start and end points are located in two adjacent fare zones, price bracket 2 applies. If there are three fare zones between the start and the destination, you need price bracket 3. For four fare zones or more, price bracket 4 applies. You can travel the entire VRB area with a price bracket 4 ticket. On the other hand, if the start and destination are within a single fare zone, price bracket 1 is the right one, unless your journey is entirely within Braunschweig, Wolfsburg or Goslar. In that case, you pay the cheaper city rate. It is even cheaper if you buy your tickets in advance for the journey in Braunschweig.
How to calculate
your fare
Selection via the list of places
Select the desired start and destination point from the lists and then confirm your search by clicking on the “Display” button.
Selection via the interactive region map
The first click selects your start region,
the second click your destination region.
Use of the flexo bus permitted with VRB ticket as far as Algermissen station
Use of line 659 with VRB ticket to Söhlde permitted from February 2025