Together as VRB
48 fare zones – 18 partners – one transport network:
Modern mobility is emerging hand in hand in the Braunschweig region.
Effective local transport?
We make it possible as a network!
There are 18 partners in VRB. Together, they move people by bus and by rail. Get on board!
From the districts of Gifhorn to Goslar, Peine to Helmstedt: in the Greater Braunschweig area, 17 companies and the regional association are all pulling together. The goal is modern, sustainable and environmentally friendly concepts – on road and rail. For your introduction to future-proof mobility in the VRB network area.
Not partners and also happy to be on the road for you: the 3 companies abellio, PVGS and RVHI. They complete the local transport offer in the region.
VRB transport companies
Abellio Rail Mitteldeutschland
Magdeburger Straße 51 06112 Halle (Saale) 0800 2235546
Braunschweiger Verkehrs-GmbH BSVG
Am Hauptgüterbahnhof 28 38126 Braunschweig 0531 28639555
DB Regio AG
Rundestraße 11 30161 Hannover 0511 45901645
enno - ein Angebot von metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH
St.-Viti-Straße 15 29525 Uelzen 0581 97164174
Kraftverkehr Mundstock GmbH KVM
Kurze Wanne 1 38159 Vechelde/Wedtlenstedt 05302 9200
KVG Braunschweig
In den Blumentriften 1 38226 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt 05341 40990
Omnibus Nahverkehr Service GmbH ONS
Eddesser Straße 1 31234 Edemissen 05171 9889866
PVGS Personenverkehrsgesellschaft Altmarkkreis Salzwedel mbH
Böddenstedter Weg 18a 29410 Salzwedel 03901 304012
Regionalbus Braunschweig GmbH
Heinrich-Nordhoff-Straße 10 38271 Baddeckenstedt 0531 35639229
RVHI Regionalverkehr Hildesheim GmbH
Römerring 1 31137 Hildesheim 0512176420
Verkehrsbetriebe Bachstein GmbH
Vor dem Dammtor 18 38315 Hornburg 05334 9255990
Verkehrsgesellschaft Landkreis Gifhorn mbH VLG
Wolfsburger Straße 1 38518 Gifhorn 05371 949812